Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana
COSS Programs
Training Through
The COSS Programs
The COSS series of educational programs will train you in the essentials of safety and health, leadership, communication, and regulatory requirements in a wide variety of work environments. Programs include Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS),and Certificate for Occupational Safety Managers (COSM).
Certified Occupational
Safety Specialist
COSS® is a training program designed by safety professionals for the entry level person, or for the experienced safety person who needs a refresher on safety. Its main objective is to equip employees who have safety and health responsibilities, with the core competencies they must master to be successful in occupational safety and health.
COSS® requires individuals to have a high school diploma or equivalent. COSS® is an academically rigorous course that requires nightly reading from a college textbook, daily quizzes, student presentations and a comprehensive written exam.
- COSS: August 12 – 16, 2024
- COSS: November 11 – 15, 2024
The member cost for the COSS® class is $1,899. If you are not a member of the Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana, the cost of the course is $2,099. Simply login to your existing account or create a new account using the link above and select course 13COSS in the Class Registration portal.
Certificate for
Occupational Safety Managers
The COSM program is designed to increase the knowledge and skill competencies of executive-level safety managers. Because of this, a certain amount of prior safety-focused education, certifications or experience must have been obtained as a prerequisite prior to enrollment acceptance.
COSM requires a minimum of 2 years of safety, health and environmental work experience. Participants must complete required assignments in order to receive the final COSM certificate.
- COSM: December 2-6, 2024
The member cost for the COSM class is $2,099. If you are not a member of the Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana, the cost of the course is $2,499. Simply login to your existing account or create a new account using the link above and select course 13COSM in the Class Registration portal.
Request More Information Regarding COSS Programs
Invest In Your Safety Career.
Invest In COSS Training.
As companies continue to make Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) training central to their company cultures and actively look to hire COSS graduates, ensure you are steps ahead of the competition by earning this coveted designation. There is undeniable value in having COSS behind your name, as many past graduates have said they are headhunted based solely on their designations.
The COSS experience will empower you to explore, try, and ultimately succeed. Begin building upon your safety career today by ensuring you have the core competencies necessary to succeed in occupational health and safety.
Walk Away With These Core Competencies:
- The psychology of safety
- Hazard recognition
- The true cost of an accident
- How to start a health and safety program
- An understanding of the rights employees have under OSHA
- And much more!